Vaccines are one of the greatest public health success stories in history, and MSD has played its part in that story.

Our unique vaccines have helped prevent a number of diseases, including ones never thought preventable. Today, we remain dedicated to the complex business of researching and producing vaccines.

Vaccine List in Life Stage

Life StageVaccine
InfantRotaTeq ®️
InfantVarivax ®️
InfantM-M-R-II ®️
Infant & KidsProQuad ®️
Kids & AdultGardasil 9 ®️
Kids & ElderlyPneumovax 23 ®️
ElderlyZostavax ®️
Infant & ElderlyVaxneuvance ®️

Please consult physician advice for further information on MSD’s Prescription Products.

Last updated in June 2023

HK-NON-00411 Jun/2023